aerowhatsapp apk

I am writing to you as the authorized representative of, the exclusive copyright owner of the material protected by copyright law at the following URL:

It has come to our attention that your website,, is currently hosting and distributing unauthorized copies of copyrighted material owned by us. The infringing material in question is related to the Aerowhatsapp application, and its distribution through your platform without our consent constitutes a clear violation of our intellectual property rights.

Description of infringing material:

Name of Copyrighted Material:

Description of Copyright Infringement: Unauthorized distribution and promotion of the Aerowhatsapp application.
As the copyright owner, we request that you promptly take the following actions to remedy this copyright.

infringement aerowhatsapp apk :

Remove or disable access to the infringing material at the following URL:
Provide written assurance that you will cease the distribution of the copyrighted material immediately.
Confirm in writing that you have taken appropriate action to resolve this matter within [reasonable time frame, e.g., 10 business days] from the date of this notice.
Please be advise that this letter serves as a notice of infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Failing to comply with these requests may result in legal action to protect our rights under copyright law.


Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciate. Please contact me at [your email address] or [your phone number] to confirm that the infringing material has been remove. It has come to our attention that your website, and distributing unauthorize copies of copyright material own by us. The infringing material in question is related to the Aerowhatsapp application, and its distribution through your platform without our consent constitutes a clear violation of our intellectual property rights.